Maker Studio - Countdown Calendar

Maker Kit - Countdown Calendar - Day 17

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Snowflake Picture Frame! You have been making memories for the last 17 days by crafting together with family and friends. Today you get to design your own picture frame to display one of those memories! Paint or use markers to add color to your picture frame. After your paint or marker is dry you can use the snowflakes to add even more detail. ~Sarah p.s. Are you enjoying the snow?! I spent the day crafting and coming up with new projects and I can't wait to share them with you!

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Maker Kit - Countdown Calendar - Day 16

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Wood Bead Snowmen! Click Here For The Written Directions You inspired me to change this craft from it's original idea. When I was making the countdown calendar I thought about these snowmen ornaments and I envisioned all three being the same. But now, seeing that you and your families are doing these crafts, I decided to make a little snowman family! Ultimately you can make them however you'd like but just know you are inspiring me every single day. ~Sarah

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Maker Kit - Countdown Calendar - Day 15

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Snowflake Melted Crayons! Click Here For The Written Directions Do you have broken crayons laying around the house?! I know I do! This is such a fun project because you can recycle those broken crayons and turn them into something new and beautiful! This is also a great project because you can make extra crayons and give them away as gifts for the holidays! I can't wait to see the color combinations you come up with! ~Sarah

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Maker Kit - Countdown Calendar - Day 14

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

'Stained Glass' Project! Click Here For The Written Directions You are going to love this 'Stained Glass' project! It's one of my favorites because any age can do it! You can make each one completely random or you can make complex patterns and designs. I actually love it so much that I've designed more as take home kits with different themes and even custom names and letters. They're just so fun! Let me know what you think!! ~Sarah p.s. If you have any broken crayons laying around be sure to gather them up for tomorrow! It's a fun one!  

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Maker Kit - Countdown Calendar - Day 13

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Gingerbread Man Stuffie! You're going to make a Gingerbread Man Stuffie today! How cute is this little guy?! If you need a reminder on how to stitch you can look back at the instructions on from Day 4. Happy stitching! ~Sarah p.s. I am so excited about our project tomorrow! It is actually 3 mini projects and it's one of my all time favorites!

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