Rudolf Tealight Ornament

Can you believe this is the last day of our Countdown Calendar this year! I had so much fun coming up with the projects for this year and hope you had fun with them, too! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for supporting Maker Studio. I hope you have a nice holiday and I can’t wait to see what 2023 brings!
Don't forget to Make Things + Have Fun this year! xo ~Sarah
- Color your Rudolf template using crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
- Cut out your Rudolf template but leave a small piece between his antlers (like in the picture) so that you can punch a hole and add string.
- Use a hole punch to make a hole where the tealight will go. The tealight is slightly bigger than a hole punch so make sure to make it a little bigger. You’ll cut the gray circle out completely and possibly need to go a little bigger. Gently put the tealight in the hole and see if it needs to be trimmed.
- Once the hole is the correct size you can use tape or glue to secure your template to the tealight.
- Add string and hang your ornament!