12 Day - Countdown Calendar

12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 07

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Faux Gingerbread House! Click Here For The Written Directions This might be one of my favorite projects! I love taking something and turning it into something else completely different. I also love this project because the longer you work, the more creative ideas keep coming to you. I could make a whole village of these gingerbread houses! If you don't hear from me tomorrow... you know where I'll be! ;) ~Sarah

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12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 06

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Gingerbread Man Stuffie! Today you are going to make a Gingerbread Man Stuffie! How cute is this little guy?! If you need a reminder on how to stitch you can look back at the instructions from Day 3. Happy stitching! ~Sarah p.s. Tomorrow you will need your box from project 4. If you don't have it, that's okay! You can use any small, plain, cardboard box!   

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12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 05

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Wood Ornament Project! Today you have free range to design your ornament exactly how you would like it! You can use markers or paints to add some color. Use the string that was included or another fabric of your own choice. Make sure to post your finished ornament so that I can see your awesome designs! ~Sarah p.s. Did you go outside and enjoy the snow? I spent the day putting up decorations and crafting. I can't wait to show you some of the new things I made!

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12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 04

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

'Stained Glass' Project! Click Here For The Written Directions You are going to love this 'Stained Glass' project! It's one of my favorites because any age can do it! You can make each one completely random or you can make complex patterns and designs. I actually love it so much that I've designed more as take home kits with different themes and even custom names and letters! They're just so fun! Let me know what you think!! ~Sarah

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12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 03

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Mini Tree Stuffie! Click Here For The Written Directions You can make so many fun crafts with a simple stitch! Stuffies, as I lovingly refer to them, can be uased as decorations, ornaments, pillows, toys, and so much more. We are using a Whip Stitch for this Stuffie but if you know a different stitch (sometimes we use Blanket Stitch or Back Stitch) then you can use that instead. Don't worry about getting things perfect. Remember, we're Making Things + Having Fun! It's all about spending time with the ones you love. ~Sarah p.s. Keep your box from today! You...

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