12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 12

Posted by Sarah Baumbach on

Tree Pretzels!

12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 12 - Tree Pretzels

Click Here For The Written Directions

You made it! The last day of the Countdown Calendar is here and you have done so well! I wanted the last day to be fun and extra special. Share your treats with Santa or share them with your family! The choice is yours!

Thank you again so much for crafting with me!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

p.s. If you have some extra time, I would love it if you could give me some feedback about your Countdown Calendar experiences. It would help me out so much and I would greatly appreciate it! There will also be a prize for a survey participant! Click Here

12 Day Countdown Calendar - Day 12 - Tree Pretzels